The Encourager

The Encourager

“I Love My God by Mike Richardson”

Throughout the Bible we find great men of faith who expressed their love for God. It would do us good to stop and listen to some of these men as they express their love for God.

Some who loved the wrong God. First, we need to consider the fact that there were some who loved the wrong god. They did not love the God of heaven, God Almighty. They loved a false god. They loved something they placed above the true and living God.  

(i)Demas. Here is a man who at one time followed the true and living God. However, we observe in 2 Timothy 4:10 he loved the present world. Demas left the faith and went back and served the world. He made the world his god. I don’t know what it was that might have lured Demas away from the faith and taken him back into a life of sin, but one thing I know: he made this world his god. Whatever you put first in your life is your god; that is what you will love and serve. Demas said, “I love the world,” made that the object he worshiped, and left the true and living God.  

(ii)Judas. Here was a man who loved money. He was willing to sell the Lord for thirty pieces of silver; for the price of a slave he sold Jesus. Here was a man who served his god. From Judas we learn if you love money you will go to great lengths to obtain money, hold onto said money, and guard that money. Judas chose money as his god instead of the true and living God.

(iii)Diotrephes (3 Jno.9). Here was a man who looked religious, but was wrong. He made power in the church his god. Some people just are power hungry. It is their way or the highway and they divide local churches and don’t act as God would have one act. They make power their god. They long to be over others and have people bow down to their commands. Each of these men I am sure loved their god, but they served the wrong god. They served a false god.

Loving the true and living God. Observe some who truly loved God.  

(i)Stephen (Acts 7). He preached Christ in the face of controversy and persecution. He served God even when it was difficult. He said, “I love God even more than my own life.” He preached his convictions and it cost him his life, but the reward was far greater. He went to be with the God he loved and served.

(ii)Barnabas. In Acts 4 we see this man was one who sacrificed to help others. He was a man who did good to glorify God. He was a man that set a good example by living a holy life. Why? He loved God. In Barnabas I see a man who loved his God. He loved God Almighty even though he was mistreated by others at times for his love and dedication to God.

(iii)Paul. A shining example before all of us would be Paul. Look what this man was willing to give up to follow the

true and living God. There is no doubt Paul showed a deep abiding love for the God of heaven.

Questions for us to consider. Let us look at some important questions.

(i)Who or what is your God? What you spend the most time serving and invest the most resources doing is a good indication of who or what you serve as your god. Recreation is good, making money is fine as long as they do not become the gods we serve and are put before the true and living God. Is this world pulling you away from God? Is there something keeping you from being the Christian (disciple) God wants you to be? Are you power hungry or hungry for the bread of life?

(ii)Do you love the true and living God? Is He first in your life? Do you spend time in prayer and study of His word? How much time do you give God each day, week, year? Do you call Him your God, then turn around and worship something else? Can you say, “I love my God” and it be the true and living God? Would you be willing to sacrifice time, money, ability to serve Him? Would you like Paul give up all to serve Him? Would you like Stephen be willing to die for Him? Would you likewise be willing to live for Him? Do you truly love God?