The Encourager

The Encourager

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Our Meeting and Prayer by Mike Richardson

Sunday, October 04, 2015

The time of our meeting is at hand! The meeting will begin on the 4th and continue thru the 9th. Services will be each evening at 7:00PM. Bro. Chris Reeves is to do the preaching at this time. We of course must realize that there are certain duties to be performed by each member of the church in order for this meeting to be a success.

ATTEND EVERY SERVICE - Each member of this church ought to attend every service UNLESS they have a REASON and not an excuse for missing. What will your neighbors see in you if you willfully forsake the assembly? Let your light shine by attending every service.


INVITE OTHERS The very purpose of this meeting is to save the souls of men and women. Each member at Eastside ought to invite someone to come and hear the gospel of Christ, Invite your parents, husbands, wives, children, yea, even your enemies to hear the gospel of Christ, This is something that each child of God ought to do in order to make the meeting as God would have it, However, there is another part we can play in this meeting that I fear we often overlook...


PRAY FOR THE MEETING. The beloved Paul left us this example in Rom 10:1-3, we should pray for:. ■  


THE PREACHER: Bro. Reeves is no stranger to the people in this area, He has been here before and we can expect him to preach the truth. He is a capable and able man in the pulpit. Yet, Bro. Reeves needs the prayers of the saints of God, We ought to pray that he will have the physical strength and wisdom to perform the task of declaring the Lord Jesus,  

PRAY FOR ONES OUT OF CHRIST: In Rom 10:1-3 Paul was praying for the Jews that were out of Christ, This was his HEART'S desire. Such ought to be the heart's desire of every child of God, We ought to be praying for the people out of Christ that something will said during this meeting that will melt their stubborn will and obey the gospel of Christ.

PRAY FOR THE ONES THAT HAVE FALLEN: Yes it is sad, but it is true that we have some that have fallen by the wayside. We ought to pray that they will return to their active place in the kingdom of God.

THANKSGIVING: We ought to pray and THANK GOD for the many blessings that we enjoy. Let us be thankful that Bro. Reeves is willing to come our way and preach the gospel and for the power that is in the gospel of Christ. Let us be grateful that we can bring our young ones to hear the right way of life. Let us be thankful for the elders that are so concerned over the souls of men, and for members that  

are working hard to lead men and women to Christ. The meeting is at hand! Let us pray as we have never prayed before. Let's make this one of the best meetings that we have ever had.


Ten Rules To Promote Harmony Among Church Members

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Remember that we are all subject to failings of one kind or another.

Bear with (not magnify) each other's infirmities. (Galatians 6:1-2)

Pray for one another in our meetings, and particularly in private. (James 5:26)

Avoid going from house to house for the purpose of bearing news and interfering with other people's business.

Always turn-a-deaf-ear to any slanderous report and lay no charge against any person until well founded.

If a member is at fault, tell them of it in private, before it is mentioned to others.

Be careful of avoiding someone because of some action that has the appearance of opposition or resentment.

If a member has offended, consider how Godlike it is to forgive, and how unlike a Christian it is to seek revenge.

Remember that it is a giant artifice of the devil to promote animosities among members of the church. So we should therefore try hard not to let him succeed.

Consider how much more good we can do in the world and in the church in particular, when we are all united in love.


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