The Encourager

The Encourager

“Gospel Meeting by Mike Richardson”

Our meeting with Brother King is now at hand. This will be his second time to be with us in such a work. He is held in high esteem for his love for the Truth and his ability to proclaim it. Brother King is a good Bible student and we will profit from his preaching and teaching. We are confident he will come prepared to do his work.

Here are just a few things for us to consider in this meeting:


Invite people: Part of the purpose of the meeting is to introduce people to the gospel. Let us invite friends, coworkers, and former members to the meeting.


Be kind and courteous to our visitors: Do not Insult them with some remark that might send them away, never to return. This has been done so many times. Just a little thought and consideration should keep us from acting in such a manner. Remember they are visiting with us, I have been to visit with other churches and someone would come up and say, "Why haven't you been here before?" I - was just a visitor, and I did not go to get told off about not being there before, Let’s remember to be kind and courteous to our visitors and let them know we do appreciate them coming.


Be present: Make your plans to be present. Be on time. This Is our meeting and we ought to support it with our presence. In too many places the members do not support a gospel meeting. Let It not be said of our members There Is nothing to inspire a preacher more than to preach to a full house.


Sing out: We are here to worship, so sing from the heart praises to God. Good singing has a lot to do with a good meeting.


Let us not cease from praying. Pray that some will respond to the invitation of our Lord. This was the prayer of Paul (Rom. 10: 1 - 3). This Is our prayer.





Robert Jackson


This seems to be a very familiar saying of our day. Brethren will often make this statement after attending services at another-place. It is truly good that they were impressed that is, if they were impressed by the right things. So often people are impressed by things that are not in, harmony with the will of God.


I-IMPRESSED WITH THE INSTRUMENTS OF MUSIC. Many make the argument that 'instrumental music is right because it sounds so good. "I was so impressed with the mood of the people as the sound of the organ came forth." Such impressions have been made upon people, and they have left the faith. One might say, "What is wrong with instrumental music?" There is only one thing wrong for its use in the worship--There is no authority given by Christ for it. if so, where is it?


II. IMPRESSED BY THE SERVICE. Many say after attending some church that the service impressed me. Just what impressed them about the service? Well, they say, "There was no formality to it." What do they mean by this? No order? No wonder they would be impressed. Imagine people doing things, without order, one sings. another prays. But is the impression made by Truth?


III. LOVE FEAST. Some of the churches of Christ in this area now have their love feast. You just get up and shake a hand or greet them in some way. This has really gone over big, and impresses some, After the greeting, do they hear the Truth? Oh, they were so impressed, they can't tell you what, the preacher said.


It is our plea at Riverside Dr. to impress people when they attend our service. But we want them to impressed with people who serve God with spirit and truth. Let's put forth every effort' to impress people in right ways.


((The preceding article was written by Robert Jackson in 1972. Consider how far things have slid since that time. Once the anchor is lifted the drifting is endless. It is the plea of the Eastside congregation that we impress people with the right things). MDR