The Encourager

The Encourager

“The Forgetful Fool by Mike Richardson”

In Luke’s gospel and the 12th chapter verses 13-21 we read a parable Jesus teaches in regard to a rich farmer. Jesus taught this parable to show that a man’s life does not consist of that which he owns. Yet, as you look at society today it is not difficult to see that many refuse to believe this teaching of Jesus. However, one can see the truth of this teaching if one but look.

(i)The Rich Farmer Forgot God! The Scripture does not say that He denied God, the implication is that He forgot God. He left God out of His life. He failed to recognize his dependence upon God, thus he ignored God. Several scriptures come to mind when one considers that one can “forget” God. Psa.14:1; Eph.2:12; Rom.1:18-20; Rom.2:15

The rich man knew there was a God, but he ignored God. He did not take heed to what God said. The problem with this man was that his mind was on himself. Notice how many times he uses the personal pronouns of-- I, me, my, etc. He was rich towards self, poor towards God Almighty.

This man was like Belshazzar in Daniel 5. Daniel said of Belshazzar that he was “weighed in the balances and found wanting.” The same could be said of this rich farmer. Jesus calls this man a fool. He was a man that was willing to gain something in this life and lose his soul in eternity (Mk.8:34-38).

(ii)He Forgot to Save for Eternity! He saved for the future time on earth, material goods, etc., but he did not spiritually look ahead. Financially sound on earth, but spiritually bankrupt for eternity.

(iii)He Forgot Time Belongs to God! He told himself to take ease for years to come, yet he did not control time. We live in a world of time and chance and we do not know when death comes. We do know God has told us today is the day of salvation (2 Cor.6:2).

(iv)His Forgetfulness Led to a False Conclusion! The conclusion that his possessions here were enough. He was sincerely wrong, but still wrong (Lk.12:15). A false conclusion is still a wrong conclusion.

(v)Lessons For Us Today: (1) People often forget God when their eyes are on possessions. (2) People who focus on the here and now often forget there is an eternity. (3) We cannot control time. We do not know how long we will live on this earth. (4) A false conclusion can cost you your soul (Matt.7:21).