The Encourager

The Encourager

“Could You Sign Your Name to This?”



(Editor’s Note: This is not original with me in fact I have no idea who wrote this. But it hit a nerve when I read it. So, I wanted to share it with everyone else. All I ask is that you read it and contemplate whether you would do as the title suggests. Could you sign your name to a letter such as this, to God? Jeff.)


Dear God in Heaven,


I want to write to you and let you know why we don't attend the worship services of the church faithfully. You have chosen for your day a day that comes at the end of a hard week when we are all tired out. Also, it comes just after Saturday night and that is the night, we feel we should enjoy ourselves and take in a movie or ballgame or a party and it is usually after midnight when we get to sleep. You have chosen the very day that we need to sleep late, Too, my family demands a big Sunday dinner and when I get up so late, I can't get all this prepared and make it to Bible Study and preaching. John likes to read the Sunday sports page and the kids want to read the funnies. I mean no disrespect, but it seems to me you picked the wrong day.


Then, too, we must think of John. He works so hard all week and Sunday is about the only day he has to catch up on odd jobs around the house. I also feel that he should have one day a week to sleep, fish, golf or visit the folks. Please try to understand and don't hold this against us.


Last Sunday we meant to go to worship but had company. The Sunday before, we meant to go but it was raining. I was telling John last night that we just had to get straightened out and get back to worship or people would think we had quit. You know how people are to talk.


I wanted to tell you all these things so that you could see our viewpoint and know that it is really our fault we do not go to worship. And don't think we do not love you, dear God, for we do. We love the church too, and have been faithful members for years, and we expect to die in it and go home to glory.


Faithfully yours,

Minnie Saints

Careless City, U.S.A.