The Encourager

The Encourager

“Lessons from the Passover”

Lessons From the Passover

by Jeff Curtis

God said to Israel through Moses, “remember this day” (Exodus 13:2). The day to remember was the day when God’s people were saved from the tenth plague and delivered out of Egypt.


At its inception, the Passover emphasized the family aspect of Israel’s religion. Each family was commanded to choose a lamb, kill it at twilight without breaking any of its bones, roast it, and eat its entirety. If there were too few people living in the house to eat the whole lamb, then two families could join together to eat it. The blood of the lamb was to be sprinkled on the doorposts of each house. When God saw the blood on the hose, He “passed over” and did not allow the destroyer to enter. Those eating the Passover meal wore their robes and sandals and kept their staffs (Exod. 12:11), ready to leave in a hurry.


As the years passed, this celebration allowed the Israelites to teach their children about their deliverance. Each requirement for the feast was a reminder of how God had delivered them from bondage, passing over the Israelite homes when the firstborn of Egypt died.


What lessons can Christians today learn from the Passover? Thinking about the Passover should cause us to do these things:


Recognize the importance of worshipping as a family. Of course, when we come together to worship, we do so as a family, God’s family. In addition, we ought to worship the Lord at home with our families. We can sing and pray with our children and instruct them at home, as Israel did in observing the Passover.


Remember the role of Christ in salvation. Paul spoke of Christ as “our Passover” (1Cor. 5:7). Jesus was the “Lamb of God” (John 1:29,36), the “Lamb that was slain” (Rev. 5:12). Christ was like the Passover Lamb in that He was unblemished (Exod. 12:5; 1Pet. 1:18,19), not one of His bones were unbroken (Exod. 12:46; John 19:36), and His blood was a sign before God (Exod. 12:13). Like the Passover, His memorial feast includes unleavened bread (Exod. 12:18, 1Cor. 5:8).


Realize the value if commemorating our redemption. The Passover Feast was designed to remind Israel of their rescue from Egypt. In a similar way the Lord’s Supper, instituted during the Passover, is intended to serve as a memorial of Jesus’ death and our salvation through His death (Luke 22:19; 1Cor. 11:24-25). We need to be reminded constantly of what Jesus has done for us.


Remind each other that we are on a journey. Just as the Israelites were dressed for travel when they ate the Passover, so Christians should always keep in mind that we are strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Remembering Jesus’ death by taking the Lord’s Supper should cause us to look away from this world and to look forward to His second coming.


Conclusion. Only Israelites could participate in the Passover. This should remind people today that the Lord’s Supper is to be observed on the Lord’s Day in the Lord’s church by the Lord’s people. Those who desire to participate in the benefits provided by our Passover Lamb and to have fellowship in the Lord’s Supper must be a part of spiritual Israel, the church if the Lord.



A Working Church Is

Six rules which will move a congregation, if properly applied!

  1. A growing church, because the members are doing the things necessary for  

growth (Col. 2:6-7).

  1. A happy church, for people are happy when they are working for the Lord (John 13:17; 1 Pet. 1:8).
  2. A peaceful church, for people that are busy in the Lord’s work do not have spare time on their hands to stir up trouble (2 Thess. 3:10-12).
  3. A planning church, for nothing worthwhile is accomplished by accident. Their plans are carefully made and followed faithfully (Rom. 12:11).
  4. A praying church, for the members realize the need of constantly being in direct touch with the Lord (1 Pet. 3:12).
  5. A giving church, for we give to that which we love and never consider it a

hardship, nor do we complain because we are to give as we have been prospered (1 Cor. 16:1-2).