The Encourager

The Encourager

“Becoming Fishers of Men (P2) - Jeff Curtis”

Becoming Fishers of Men (Part 2)

By Jeff Curtis

In Luke 5, Jesus called certain men to become His apostles. The apostles were Jesus’ followers who were given special responsibilities and endowed with miraculous powers. They had a unique role to play in the establishment, organization, and guidance of the early church – a role that doesn’t need to be duplicated today. The apostles, in other words, had no successors. Nevertheless, what they did in fishing for men and women is something that others in the first century did and something that must continue until Christ returns. So, we need to learn from their experiences what becoming fishers of men requires today.


“Am I willing to obey Jesus?” During the ministry of Jesus, the apostles often demonstrated they were weak and lacked faith; but, at least on this occasion, we have to admire Peter. Even when the command of the Lord didn’t seem to make sense, he was willing to obey it.


We need to have the same attitude to become Christians. It may not make sense to us to be told to that we are lost and that we have to believe in Christ to be saved. We may not understand fully about repentance and baptism. Even so, if we are to be saved, we must be willing to say, “I will do as You command, Lord.”


“Do I recognize God’s greatness and my unworthiness?” To become fishers of men, we as Christians must recognize God’s greatness and our own unworthiness. We need to imitate Peter’s amazed response to Jesus’ miracle in Luke 5:6-10.


Peter’s attitude is essential for fishers of men. We must recognize that God is great, powerful, majestic, mighty and glorious – and that Jesus shares these characteristics of “Godhood,” of Deity, with the Father.


“Have I exchanged the old values for new ones?” Becoming fishers of men demands the exchange of old values for new ones. Peter, James and John had been pulling in nets full of fish; from that time on, they were to draw people into the kingdom by teaching them about Christ.


As we fish for men and women on Christ’s behalf, we must keep in mind what is important in life. We need to develop a newer and truer set of values.


“Am I willing to forsake all to follow Jesus?” Becoming fishers of men requires us to be willing to forsake all in order to follow Jesus. Don’t underestimate this act of faith. These men left a secure living to follow Christ, without any security. Their Master had no place to call His own, no place to lay His head. As far as we know from the Bible, He owned nothing. Apparently, from this time forward, Jesus and His apostles got their living from gifts freely given by others. This isn’t the kind of future most of us want. This was the life Peter, James and John had to anticipate when they “left everything and followed” Jesus.


How do Jesus’ words apply to us today? To answer His call and become fishers of men, we must be willing to make some sacrifices. Are we willing to forfeit whatever is necessary to be diligent disciples and do the work He has set for us to do? Will we give up some of our leisure time or our possessions in order to help bring others to the Lord? Will we invest the time, effort, and money required to make us productive fishers of men?